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OmniPeace Foundation Launches the Pioneering Global Music Box at Dolores Richardson Elementary School

OmniPeace Foundation Launches the Pioneering Global Music Box at Dolores … read on

Actress Carlie Casey Interviewed on Sirius XM’s The Art Alexakis Show


EKC PR client, Carlie Casey, was interviewed on today’s episode of The Art Alexakis Show, which airs every Sunday on Sirius XM’s Lithium (channel 34). 

Our team secured the opportunity when we realized that Carlie and the Everclear frontman go way back to the year 2000, as the then 9-year-old Carlie was the little blonde girl in Everclear’s popular music video for “Wonderful“.

The former Nickelodeon star discussed her new hilarious web series, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margot, of which she created, wrote, produced, directed and stars in. 





Headquartered out of Los Angeles & Beverly Hills, CA, EKC PR is a full-service Publicist, Branding, Digital Marketing and Public Relations firm. When developing your plan, EKC PR assures optimal exposure and recognition with its services: Publicity, Brand Development, Marketing, Advertising, Product Placement, Media Relations, Photo Shoots / Electronic Press Kit Design, Crisis & Reputation Management, Sports, Product Launches, Television, Management, Consultation, Music, Hollywood Talent, Red Carpet / Special Events, plus much more.

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