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Former Lab Testing Animals Step Into The Sunshine For The First Time

KVUE ABC in Austin, TX covered the latest Beagle Freedom Project rescue & release event!


Former Lab Testing Animals Step Into The Sunshine For The First Time

By: Kirby Killough, KVUE

The Beagle Freedom Project, a non-profit animal rescue and advocacy group, rescued the animals from a lab testing facility before they were released at a home in Hutto to meet their new foster families.


HUTTO, TEXAS – A group of dogs and a cat felt their paws on the grass for the first time in their lives Friday evening.

The Beagle Freedom Project, a non-profit animal rescue and advocacy group, rescued the animals from a lab testing facility. Friday evening, they were released at a home in Hutto to meet their new foster families.

The testing labs got the animals from pounds. BFP said they were going to be euthanized when testing was complete, but the group was able to negotiate their freedom.

“They will now smell sunshine and soil, instead of dirty cages and harsh, dangerous chemicals,” BFP said in a release. “They’ll be called by real names instead of the federal identification numbers tattooed inside their ears.”

BFP said the animals came from a Texas-area lab, but could not disclose the name of the lab or its location.

The animals went home with foster families Friday night. They will be rehabilitated over the next three or four weeks and then will be up for adoption.

KVUE News live streamed the release on Facebook.

You can donate and learn more about the Beagle Freedom Project here.

BFP also has an app called Cruelty-Cutter that allows users to scan products and see whether or not they were tested on animals. You can check it out here.

To read the original article, click here.


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