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OmniPeace Foundation Launches the Pioneering Global Music Box at Dolores Richardson Elementary School

OmniPeace Foundation Launches the Pioneering Global Music Box at Dolores … read on

Dancers / Choreographers

Dancer / Choreographer PR

As a former professional dancer who worked with major celebrities, Eileen Koch has a trained eye for what works on camera, as well as in-depth knowledge of how to develop your career.

Marketing Your Image

What defines you and fills your soul? Pinpointing this is vital to creating your brand and public image. Eileen Koch draws on her years of experience in dance and entertainment to identify the unique qualities that make you stand out.

Building Your Brand

Combining a consistent voice and powerful look can go a long way towards attracting the clientele you need! Whether you’re looking for freelance opportunities, or elevating your work, EKC can tune in and show you what’s needed to achieve your goals!

Assembling Your Reel

Footage is king in the digital world. Not only does a high-quality EPK give producers a demonstration of your work, it can go a long way towards impressing a starĀ gearing up for a crucial tour.


Headquartered out of Los Angeles & Beverly Hills, CA, EKC PR is a full-service Publicist, Branding, Digital Marketing and Public Relations firm. When developing your plan, EKC PR assures optimal exposure and recognition with its services: Publicity, Brand Development, Marketing, Advertising, Product Placement, Media Relations, Photo Shoots / Electronic Press Kit Design, Crisis & Reputation Management, Sports, Product Launches, Television, Management, Consultation, Music, Hollywood Talent, Red Carpet / Special Events, plus much more.

Publicity | Publicist | Brand Development | Marketing | Digital Marketing | Advertising | Product Placement | Media Relations | Social Media Management | Photo Shoots | Press Kit Design | Crisis & Reputation Management | Product Launches | Television | Management | Consultation | Music | Hollywood Talent | Red Carpet | Special Events | BH PR | LA PR | West LA PR | Century City PR | Hollywood PR | Los Angeles PR | Beverly Hills PR | LA Public Relations | Beverly Hills Public Relations | LA Public Relations | BH Public Relations | LA Publicist | BH Publicist | Los Angeles Public Relations | Beverly Hills Public Relations