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EKC PR Client, Renowned Tattoo Artists the Petunia Twins, Interviewed by WEHOville

EKC PR client,  the internationally acclaimed 24-year-old identical twin tattoo artists have just taken over West Hollywood with their two brand new tattoo/piercing/body art studios. Not only are the girls visually stunning themselves, they are prodigiously gifted in their artistic creativity. Hailing from Germany, they have been turning the international tattoo industry on its head with their signature aesthetic use of bold colors and imaginative one-of-a-kind nature and animal themed designs. Now they are ready to take Los Angeles by storm!

West Hollywood’s local outlet WEHOville just interviewed the sisters as they embark on the biggest career move of their lives!

Business Briefs: The Tattoo Twins Target Greater WeHo

By: Michael Jortner


Try to tell Aline and Alena Petunia apart. Perhaps the only things separating these twins are the colorful designs they’ve purposely injected into their skin.

The 24-year-old twins hale from Germany and moved to Los Angeles last week to open not just one, but two, tattoo parlors. Both are called Petunia Twins Ink, one stands at 7928 Melrose Ave. near Fairfax, just outside of West Hollywood, and the other is at 142 S. Flores St. at Kings Rd. in Beverly Grove.

In opening two parlors, they apparently are following a trend of other brands like Moscot eyewear. “One of them is for celebrities and more private,” said Alena. “The one on Melrose is more open for the crazy guys.”

Our phone interview was conducted in English, however, the twins’ first language is German. So some of their responses sounded rather innocent, and perhaps a bit more to the point than what one would hear from a native-American speaker.

For example, when asked why they chose Los Angeles to start their businesses, Aline replied, “Hollywood is a very big part and a famous part of California and we want to get famous.” [laughs]

But at 24, perhaps they can be forgiven for declaring their desire for celebrity so openly. The sisters grew up in and around Stuttgart, which has influenced their art. “We grew up in a small village in Germany and we lived in nature,” Alena said.

Their designs rely heavily on flora and fauna imagery, as well as bright colors beyond the common dark green and black we see in so many tattoos. These European “tattoopreneurs” offer a service that could be a big hit within hip, woke LA: vegan tattoos. (You didn’t know tattoo inks and creams have traditionally been made with animal bone?) Requests for vegan tattoos are not terribly frequent so far, Aline said. But, “it’s not difficult to choose some vegan products. It’s very easy today.”

Another unique value proposition the twins offer seems to be the comfort and trust they provide their female customers. “Many women or girls want to get a tattoo from…a female tattoo artist.” It’s not about sensitive areas of their bodies, they said, “it’s more about the conversation.”

The twins are financing their dream with their own money and investments from family members. In the future, the tattoo mavens want to expand by welcoming guest artists and occupying larger spaces.


To read the article on the WEHOville website click here.




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